[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (2024)

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (1)

If you prefer listening over reading, check out the video guides below made by Rhaastafarian. While they might not go as in-depth as our guide does here, they should still be able to give you a solid, overall idea of pathing on Kayn.

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (4)

Rhaastafarian | NA Grandmaster

How to path properly as Kayn: A Guide.

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (5)

Rhaastafarian | NA Grandmaster

How to clear your jungle before Scuttle spawns.

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (6)

First things first, as a jungler it is important for you to already establish a plan for your upcoming game in champion select. Not only is it important for you to choose your form in advance in order to go for your most optimal runes, but also to think ahead of pathing, matchups, and objective control. Take a look at the enemy team's champions and yours. Which laners will have a matchup advantage? Who is vulnerable to ganks? Is there anyone you should avoid early on? Asking yourself questions and analyzing several things will help you with adapting to several game outcomes.

A common misconception for lower-ranking players is that jungle pathing is very binary. They tend to go the same route every game, no matter the circ*mstances. However, it is very important to modify your pathing based on many factors, just like mentioned above. Determine which lanes have priority, are gankable, or need help early on. You want to adjust your clear based on this and what you think the enemy jungler is going to do.

A concept that was out there for some time is that your clear should be based on which form you want to go. This idea is wrong, however. Just make sure to stick to what we wrote above: Never forget to look into modifying and adjusting your pathing depending on your game's circ*mstances. Below, you will find some standard routes to draw inspiration from.

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (7)

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (8)

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (9)

[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (10)


Put a point into your Reaping Slash and start at your Red Buff together with a leash from your laners. While on Kayn's release people were amazed by how fast he could clear Raptors, you do not want to start off with that camp anymore unless your teammates refuse to give you a leash. The burn you get from Red Brambleback speeds up your clear significantly on other jungle monsters. If you take a look at the image above, it should also show you how a Red Buff start allows you for a much smoother transition onto the opposite side of the map due to you not having to walk all the way from Krugs to Wolves. Make sure to smite your buff once it hits 390 HP. This lets you continue your clear with a higher amount of HP.


After Red Brambleback is killed you will hit level 2. Put a point into your E, Shadow Step and use it right away to get down to your Krugs. Your W might give you more initial damage, but you will still lose a significant amount of HP. Your E's heal makes your clear much healthier and puts you at less risk of immediately dying upon being engaged on. Use your Smite on the big Krug once it has lost enough HP to be executed by it.


This is where flexibility comes in. Take a look at botlane/toplane (depending on which side you are on) and whether your teammates are pushed in or have strong CC that allows for a likely successful gank. If the answer to either of these examples is "Yes", then feel free to pay your teammate(s) a visit. However, if you think that you will only be able to force the enemy to use a summoner spell, you should most likely refrain from ganking. Showing yourself on the map this early on allows the enemy jungler to steal camps of yours that you haven't cleared yet. This will cause you to fall behind significantly. Only resort to ganking if you are 90% sure of it ending in success. If you decide not to gank, you may tend to your chickens. After killing raptors you will hit level 3. Proceed to put a second point into your Q, Reaping Slash. Your W will still have to wait a bit as its cooldown is fairly high and will slow down your clear.


Take a look at your midlane on whether they are in need of a countergank or similar.
If not, your next objective is to move over to your wolves. Make sure to only use auto-attacks on the big wolf! The smaller ones will get killed automatically by Reaping Slash's AOE damage.


After killing your wolves, you want to clear Blue Sentinel along with Gromp. Take another look at your nearby lanes on whether your assistance is needed. If you see an opportunity for a successful countergank make sure to head there right away.
If you're free to continue your clear, start off by first auto attacking your Blue to make it move towards you. Next, you hit Gromp with an auto attack and move back immediately as to not lose aggro on your Blue. Try to stay in the middle of the two camps, while stacking both monsters on top of each other. Use both charges of your Refillable Potion and focus your Blue Buff. Once it hits 700 HP, use Smite on it and start targeting with your autoattacks Gromp. After about two uses of your Reaping Slash they will be dead. Afterwards you should be level 4 with about 500-550 HP (70% of max). Now it is time to get your W, Blade's Reach.


Scuttle Crab is your last objective. Getting this jungle monster can be quite scary at times, due to how contested it is. You want to act based on whether your lanes have priority or not. For the ones not knowing what "having priority" means: A lane having priority is a lane is pushed to the enemy's turret. So for instance, if teammates from both your nearby lanes are sitting under their own turret you want to refrain from trying to take it unless you have vision on the enemy jungler and laners. Trying to take Scuttle while not knowing their location is quite risky and can lead to you getting ambushed. If your laners have priority and you can rely on them helping you out if it comes to an encounter with the opposing jungler you can feel more than free to contest it.
[12.13] r/KaynMains | Comprehensive Guide to Red, Blue, & Purple (2024)


What is the difference between red Kayn and blue Kayn? ›

To get a transformation, Kayn has to damage an enemy champion to obtain Darkin Scythe passive stacks. Damaging melee champions grants him the Rhaast (red) Kayn transformation stacks. On the other hand, doing damage to ranged champions grants him the Shadow Assassin (blue) Kayn transformation stacks.

Does Lillia give blue or red orbs? ›

Since Lillia is a ranged champion, she grants Kayn blue orbs so he can transform into Blue if he hits her.

What orbs does Nidalee give Kayn? ›

Kayle, Nidalee, Elise and Jayce can give red or blue orbs depending on the form they're using. There might be more that change but I'm not sure. Champs that do melee auto attacks give red orbs. Champs that do range auto attacks give blue orbs.

Which Kayn skin is best? ›

Kayn Skins
#Skin Name ThemeArtist
1Soulhunter Kayn Bilgewater: Curse of the DrownedJean 'Curing' Go
2Odyssey Kayn OdysseyEsben Lash Rasmussen
8Nightbringer Kayn Nightbringer and DawnbringerJeremy 'Jermu' Anninos
9Prestige Nightbringer Kayn Nightbringer and DawnbringerJeremy 'Jermu' Anninos
3 more rows

How do I get blue Kayn instead of red? ›

These orbs are obtained by fighting enemy champions, every time you get a champion takedown or even damage a champion, and are stored in a bar. If you know which form to take you can fight champions accordingly. Blue orbs are obtained by fighting ranged champs while you get red ones from fighting melee champs.

Why is Lillia considered hard? ›

As Lillia is usually built AP, she will struggle against teams that have high burst damage. She also struggles against poke and disengage, which can make team fighting difficult for her.

Does First Strike still give Kayn double orbs? ›

First Strike no longer spawn orbs for transformation progress.

How to swap Kayn forms? ›

Kayn can transform by interacting with his portrait, and can wait 4 minutes until the other form becomes available, reduced by 5 seconds for each collected orb of their type after that.

What is the best form of Kayn? ›

Rhaast Kayn is the stronger of the two transformations. Even though you don't deal as much damage as Shadow Assassin, the extra percentage health damage, the healing, and the crowd control Rhaast Kayn has to offer make him a really strong champion.

Is Kayn good for Soloq? ›

He's an awesome champ for solo queue but you just have to be weary that his early game isn't the best, you don't have much dueling potential early until you transform which is his only real downside (he doesn't do very well against burst champs early either) I would recommend if you play him not to be looking towards ...

How old is Kayn? ›

Universe. Kayn is around 20 years old. Shadow Order.

When play red or blue Kayn? ›

I've mostly based it off if my team has any tanky characters or if the enemy team has any high health enemies I'll go red, and if they're full of squishy targets I'll go blue.

How does Kayn change forms? ›

Kayn can transform by interacting with his portrait, and can wait 4 minutes until the other form becomes available, reduced by 5 seconds for each collected orb of their type after that. Melee orbs grant 2 points per hit and 6 points per takedown. Ranged orbs grant 3 points per hit and 7 points per takedown.

What is the difference between Rhaast and Kayn? ›

Kayn was young and ambitious, someone who Rhaast saw as the perfect potential host. While Kayn had been sent to destroy the scythe, Rhaast manipulated the boy, using his arrogance to convince him to instead take the scythe and its power for himself.

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