Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

34DES MOINES TRIBUNE "WW May 27, 1977 III Ml FORD, 73 Galaxi 500, 2 door i-uir iyir i rr tin CORVETTE '48, $3500. After 2:30 nCTKLLE IV UWI llJf )5. 750 Chuuixtr. Like AJAI ITLJ 4aIA HONDA TRIUMPH '47 Spitfire MarVTir need parts for or wM sen for $4l CORVETTE '70, har, 350350 HP 4 speed, power steering; brakes, AMFM Radio, 39.000 Calll3-3-64ll ami, air, 000a mape, iiiw. hardtop.

VS auto. P.s. f.o. air. FARrIlL'I FORD MERCURY Winter set, la 462:279 15.

sssssssssssssssssssssss 76 Ford F150 L474-4324dy! Sport Fury with options. 46,000 miles, ilk new. $2500. 712-32- CORVETTE 77 miles, imuo. JIV-32-HI6 Wilton, CHEVE Msllbou, TRIUMPH77rs Itflre.

low miles. wlol) mei DtiiTEII '73 140 lion. $2300. Anx miles, 302 Vl. automatic, power, art? CORVETTE "'74 T-fTarT $AVE $1000 excellent lousl 274- $1200 243-5836.

Maroon, Buckskin leather, exlra 4 i 4 wltn snow Made. Bargain, '44-1060. mags, Holley, $2595 or CflEvHLT'W, 354, radial llres, low miws. Dirk Haielhaker Chevrolet nNAr K1C-A7A-KN1 miles, electric windows, power steering and brakes, air, automatic, must sell, 16800 or best VotKSWAoeN 7TT FaslbadT, fuel InkKled, AM-FM stereo casselta, air, Inspected, cteanl EAST 1st GRAND 244-4195 DALE MILLER FORD LYM '50, good for restoration. UZD TRUX clean, sms, eoone, After ai5- 432-1681 CHEvETTE 74 Sedan, asking $2406 or best offer.

See at 1124 COTTGAirsr auto. Bucket seats. 1 1 400 or best offer. Ph. 285-3473.

VCWOmxliifTonJ Like new, terms. ANKENY M-47 oner, 515-ibj. CORVETTE. 75 power "wln-dows-brakes, automatic, tilt wheel, side Pipes, luggage rack, CO06AIT73 Spot fy ue. New- Uh Slate Inso $2495 262-8729.

SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS have factory Thu vehlrtet anion, omv miies. slew, i l-243-3444 after 5 PM steering, black wltn no winaows, 2 roof vents. Ilk new shocks and tires on and 10" chrome SS Craoer mags, $3800. Will deal. Ifed Edition Spirit of 76, P.S., B.

air, AM-FM stereo I track, CB, excellenl condition. 515-232-9851 Ames, GRAWPTJlXTJ, options, 40.000 miles. $3150. 515- 432-6520 Boon. GRAND PRIX '73, air, power steering and brakes, till, cruise, AAA.CAA mrfjTRKTftl SILVER HAWK, good condition.

Must sell. $1400 or besl otter. 999-2914. Dallas Center STiinFHSVFB Cnmmandiir '51 CHEVETTE 76 leather interior, $oou. B-14 wrrantv remainlno.

i. Tnev are in air, lauo or best otter. AM-Jay. under 2000 miles'. Cruise, 'M FORD short box, mag wheels, $10'5 or offer.

JaS-MlJ Ilk new condlllon. If vou are looking for a vehicle Ilk on of Ihesa, II will be worth your whll DATSUN 76 280Z 4 sod. Air'. Raoiu, ami luim, sun under warranty, $2775. Call after 3:36 274-4022.

CHEViTOXET Caprice Converl-Ible 75, Loaded, low miles, $7500 COrVEtTE '74 Coupe, all op- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS VOLVO 71 Wagon Good transportation. DALE MILLER FORD 12,000 ml. Will tin. 262-8229. BODGE Charger, 70, 53 4 speed, 1200 miles on new motor, Cregar mags.

Can be set tor 424 tlons, 350 like new, must (Aim oaa-irto oaa-m-hi new Sluu. HoNCJTrf TJoTTWany extras; excellent condlllon 11575, Sieve HNSl'XnMSTInTNn, I owner bike, like new, (2150 276-1514 days or 27-726 ofler 7. HONDA 703.000 excellent condition. $1400 or Dell offer. 20-8021 after 5 PM.

U5KV WOO AAark alter lpmOT-1125. near new, Thours. SUZUkl, 71, needs work, have parts, 8500 for both. 3012 E. Madison.

DM. after 6 pm. yOO'Tlmlfel 26O0 miles. 12595. (5151 M4-4e5c or 964-1011.

KAwASAKfm WI, $300 or besl offer. 217-4771 KAyVASAkTiSffr dTrTEIIii; rebuilt engine, $301). 279-3342. condition, over 100 hp, custom paint, $950 or best offer. 515-733- JI47 after 6 KAWASAKI 900 '75, excellent condition, S1550.

KAWASAKI 500 '72, low mileage, excellent condition, MOO 262-8509 A AS ART'TfTM 53, new motor, tires and chains. Custom paint, pin-strlpino, nicest in town. $1000. 285-4821 after 5 for Craig AH5-56Z7. CHFVftt CHEVY Caorlce '12, 16,000 CORVETTE TWT has evervHSfiST GTJANOftiXTTsXrullpbWer; Mfckado.

26.000 miles. low miles, ysyw. nerni nos transmission ana rear to til. New clutch, alternator, iu in. iwb biiwiioiui, low CORVETTE 73, loaded.

mnes.iron! ena aamage. I '65 FORD PICKUPS, with front end damage. 515-342-4054 No calls Sundj SJ650. 2J-U6e3. starter, and many chrome parts.

EptNiri PSli 7 vinvl lr III IniM.lMt fnncl mrritlrm Inr 40KANOKKI '0, V'nVI, air, $3500 Invested, must sacrifice for uiXMrtu rnift, ia. viiiti, on, (515) 964-4653 or 944-1018. SieVRSLET 1444. Air excel, cond. make offer.

941-3055. restored, $8006 or offer. 507-288-7935eyes. Rochester, MN, TBTR 0 '49, steerWgTbrakes, air, 53,000 miles. 81595.

5)5-752-6663, VEGA 71 set up for Vi, 1 boli rear 4:11, with frame, needs paint, no engine or transmission. $1500 or trad for 70 or 71 Camaro 712-464-2511. VW76lBaTa7manv many exlras, while, real sharp looking! Lots Invested needs new clutch, sacrifice. $850. 278-5616.

See at ANKENY 964-4979 cruise, stereo. $4275. 941-3673. EG 'BSATiN7 rTcylT" iiiral miles, seooo. CORvTTTTirtlfTniTneTal nnltirwK SX650 262-9M1.

P.S2dr. HDTP. Runs good $200. ajw or oesi oner over szwu. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 75 CHEVY TON to cneck tnem oun 77 Dodge Aspen SE V-l, automatic, PS, PB, Air Cond, rear defrosl, 4040 seal, radials, radio, Cost New $6220 $5195 77 Dodge Charger SE V-l, automalic, PS, PB, Air, rear defroster, stereo, druls, radial tires.

Original List $4811. (5 111 V64-46SJ Or V64-IUIB. 115-532-2 slick, 3 spd. Red. 54,000 mires.

speed. CHEVROLET iDGE CHARl Rolled. Not bad Drives l-Owner. Insp. $1075.

262-3955 ACA Al. Brougham, full power, factory 31,000 miles, ex- nice ixxju nrm, no traoes. 243-3205 VOLVO 74, well cared for, air conditioned, dark green, AM-FM, reasonable. 279-0382. tras.

deluxe, ftxcellent condftion. RvETTe. 76. full power. Till COR 5SEMLIN 4 cylinder aulo-matlc.

4000 miles, like new, $2800. After 5, 288-9442. HONDTTCIvic Sedan '74, txcel- wheel, automatic. $8000 Ph. 274' VOLVO 75 24J6L, excellent shaoe $4400 or offer 278-1573.

$4500.. 515-444-5409 nights, 742- 5255 days. CHEVY Blaier 74, power sleer-ing and brakes, air, 44,000 miles, vil turn, west ues vtotnes. or 255-9931. CORWTTIT '64 convertible WANT TO BOVTandem axle car hauling trailer.

Reasonable. irni CUflUIIIUII, IUf iiiiwa, IOUIB llres, $2400. 276-9967 or 277-1367 Excellent, $3495; 74 T-BAR, VW 1971 Super Beetle. Gootf condition. Inspecled.

$800. 277-4891, can be seen at 1124 39th. shape. $350. Red must Sell.

$4400. 964-0524 OT 964-7099 after 4 or weekends. air, new radial 70-s on rear, mechanically perfect, needs body work, 82000. 319-338-1948. BODGE Charger 73, full power, factory air, cruise control, new tires, 82350.

287-2442 or 288-1506. BODGE Dart -7o5wlnge775 door, 340, close ratio 4 speed, many extras. 81400. 515-173-5843. msae Ban wt, -73.

a-t Condition. Low mileage. Estl-malejfmpg. 81750. 515-259-3208.

ZAO-B54U weexoays. after 6. IMPERIAL 7S LeBaron 4 dr. toaoed, wxiJ iy-38-e i iu. CSiCKE SA95 NAHA Rook S975.

WILLYS '5T 4 wheel drlv plck-up, new 4 cylinder engine, snow HEADERS, fits '55 Ihru '57 Chew complete with bolts, gaskets, and header mufflers. Never useUllll In boxJvO. MODEL rear end and" sprTngT SIS. '57 CHEVY tenders, 130 each. Wl-0118.

4 TlSfcTand wheels for H7IXI4, tires near new. $20 each or all tor SSO. 215-5771. rWETi jTimmresloSeradP als. 5000 miles.

2 15x7 steel chrome heel s. 1 75. 1 5 72616. 51 'CHEVY" eHsineTTacforv new block, oil pump and starter. 4x4, loaded, air, xceilent shape, ke new.

Soec a $5595. 762-8279. tin. ljTNflCfNATrT7avelar yei-zy. blade, red title, $1350 or besl oi- Lamberts 3828-70lh 274-1532 KAWASAKI" 747Walf deckec! fr.

255-8427 56,000 miles, air, cruisimallc, VW '44 Squareback. $506 or best out tor road, pearled ann namea windiamer and bags, 4900 miles, sje3. 3 iy-aa6-6y33 art, a rw YOU DATSUN 1973 240Z, very clean, IJ45A 243-5421 B210 4 door sedan, 44uu or rraoe. nnust sen. 313-46- 4905.

CHEVY Impala '69, power steer-Ing, power brakes, Inspecled. Good condition. $5507244-0584. CHEW Imoala IS Custom treatment. McGulres.

INT'L '71 Travetall. iMdedTlow new. savuv roA-eojr. SALE '76 Ford F-100 $3695 Snort txu 4x4. VI 4 Spaed.

Green, lock oui hubs. 76 Ford F-100 $2895 a cvt 1 sod, long wide ban. Red. 76 Ford $3495- F-1S0, VI, 1 speed Iren. 75 Chevy IO $2895 PleKup, automatic.

Blue, lest than 30.000 miles, like new. 76 Ford F-250 $3695 Ranger, VI automatic, power steering, long wide box, Blue. 75 Ford F-250 $3595 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Green. 74 Dodge $3595 Extended length max) van, VS automatic, power steering, power brakes, air, excellent condition, Green, like new. 74 Ford $3495 Ranger, 4x4, automatic, power steering, V8, air.

Red. 73 Ford F-100 $1995 6 cylinder, automatic, Green. 72 Chevy MO $2195 VI engine, 3 speed Iran. 72 Ford F-100 $2095 4x4, V8 4 speed transmission. Turquoise.

70 Ford F-250 $1295 VS, automatic. Brown. 70 Ford F-250 $995 VI, 4 speed, needs minor body work, pood work truck. '69GMC $1295 PODGE Dart 75 4 door. $3,000.

oner. Ay-wy. VW '64. Bug, runs great, $3XV 279-9497. iim nh miles, SI MO or trade tor older OOOl xcetient cono-Aaa-syy.

4 speed, inspected, reasonable, 515-237-9254 eveninas. lion, headers, SI 600. Call alter 6, iSODOE Tradesman Van '74. pickup. aia-y-jju.

IKT'L Scout ixi with blade. Armorall, Mothers, Espree In stock RACER'S DEN 3310 SE 14th 244-1402 George, 255-9304. 271-3971. Coupe. Power brakes, air.

$375 JI5-464-A4V4 DTBu74240Z, "Good tires, Keoum neaos. sauu. ii-i)6-t. At. Ctean I2Wb.

Z6Z-H22V. VW 767RsgomfS66: 4 white spoke rims, 5 hole, 8x15, or otter. jeep or rora. suv I fairing. 1700.

265-6324 before i 961-3864 after 6 and weekends. state me rrfi Eooa shape, S4j4y. yaa-jvj. iATTUN TlVitGZ, newTlriTl speed. Inspected, $3800 or offer.

7I2-433-2618. 5I5-aVa-4 VW 71, inspected, new brakes, shocks, exhaust. $1100. 243-4635 JtWZJTuA. 4x4, tock outs, cab.

tt550. 279-5894 after 5. '71 CJ-5. Vfl 3 speed. AM-FM.

sun roof, laroe tires and WI-JU55. WE" BOY '65 to '44 Mustano miles. Uke new, M50. 285-7291 or VW72Karmen convertibles, any condition. CaTl BATST3N 74, mi, steel belted ml (IH, JU1A fully customized interior, high backs, 4 cylinder, 3 speed, fender flares, great condition.

$3000. 712- 364-2967 after 5 JO. DODGE '68 Coronet, red title, needs work, 8100offer. 276-7245. IJSDOe 76 Van, while, 6 cylln-jer, standard, very good condition.

$1500 or besl offer. No trade. 266-4441 weekdays 5PM-7PM. Sat.9AM-lPM. DODGE 70 VAN 34 ton.

share. or best oner. 313-463-2282. CHEVY VAN '74, Hamms Blue, 350 auto, low miles, paneled, Insulated, AM-FM, mags, excellent condition. Best offer over $3100.

Call Jim at 993-3685. CHEVY Van 76, good condition, 4 cylinder standard transmission, power steering, carpeting, radio stereo with 20 01 magnets, $4200. 4055 SW 30th. 285-8437 mags. Still under warranty.

$5700 NADA Book $1975 Kawasaki 77 kz 900, is Call eves, arid Sun. 225-72f0; days or oesi oner. a Lamberts 3828-70th 274-1532 JEEP'73 Commando. Super share. 967-638 after 3PM.

vw 111,4 door seaan, auio-mallc, air, radial tires. AM-FM, 81300. Call after 6 PM. 967-5436. BATSUN 76 280Z, 4 speedTivT 000 miles, blue, $5800.

223-0733 CrTOMSSOhrPantera, a. LE MANS" 1967. New engine and LAVERTY PERFORMANCE CENTER 5912 S.E. 14th Des Moines, lowa 515-287-2653 SPECIAL! Heavy duty stainless steel flex-fans ...9.99 each '68 CHEVY IMPALA 2-door hardtop body. Rust tree Arizona car.

Twin Lakes. Minnesota. $07-852-3676. VW '73 Bug, $1381, Ask for turtto 400 trans, sbw or best one' 282-4033 after 5 PM. CHEVY VAN 73.

3 $peed, ex $5795 '77 JeepCJ-7 "Renegade" package, 4-cylln-der, spoke wheels, soft top. Original List $4420. $4995 Baker's Dozen 1976's We have 13 of the nicest 74s In town. Most have factory warranty, one owners with very tow mileage. We think that you can save money on these fine cars.

We Invile vou to lest drive ih $900 or offer. 225-3045. 000 miles, air, AMFM stereo Lloyd, Autorama, inc, 2227 Sb, 14th. 282-0443 nspeciea I NL.OI com nenta canoe '76 DODGE '73 Charaer 2 door Firm 284-7762. i-4uv-4vj-rib; FOR SaSHSe Title.

'40 PoSfiic" and '64 Chevv car parts and cars. Best offer on all parts. 255-0275. EhevyTw" engine, built, less than 1000 miles on overhaul, here It run, 1400. 981-058fk 76 CnevyTplckup box.

repair-able, wlights. like new tail gate. Best offerJWol 17 or 277-7568, ffebulft-used VW axles 1 body parts. 515142-2691 WANTED: Chevrolet 40 molor or parts. 319-752-3053 after 5.

rtiOWTlftES. (i) $15 each. For tape, outstanding condition, never driven winters, $12,300. Call Mark. Days 60S-339-J153 Full power, tinted glass, Mlchelln steel radials, dark green with VW 73 Super Beetle.

AM-FM I track. Steel belted radials. New miles, sjw. After 5 121. KAWASAKI, '76, KZ750, exceF lent condition, 1200 miles.

$1700 or offer. 225-6257 after 6. LTD, 1000 miles, hiwav pegs-sissy bar, NORTONT973 Commando, god? condition, low miles. SHOO or best offer. 266-9974 after 4:30 NORTON, I50CC, Cafe Racer, exlra clean $1500.

279-4168. PAN HEADfr5Tfesh engine; lots of chrome, chopper. $2500. 287-3597 aft 3 PM. hardtop, low miles, fully equipped, $2150 or best offer.

276-7912, 276-2672. B6DGE 74 ChARC-EP. SE paint. Excellent running condi- CHEVY VAN 75 blue, power steering, brakes, turbo 350, clean, $3400. 279-2522 after 5 CHEVY 1975 Malibu Classic, 2 door, vinyl, power steering, dilion inside and out.

Must see to tlon, $il. MarkiZ8-44yo. VW 74 Dasher Wagon. Loaded, apprecioie. a8-ojj4.

LlfCOTfi MARK IV '73 loaded bisceuNTiRicesON PARTS. OVERHAULS NEW VOLkSWAGEN ENGINES FOREIGN CAR CLINIC very good condition. ml Ms. $4330. zy-ysyj.

515-428-8345. Brougham. Black on black, vinyl roof, AM FM, air, automatic-console, sharp. $7995. 225-8794 after 4, Weekends 515-387-4365.

DOTJGE 74 MaKTOWnffies, S3U. I luwci uiaivc. an. a irh miv, excellent, $3000. 274-8024.

'1a JtS C.i,. LINCOLN '75 Mark IV, loaded, vw Pontiac Lemans 24-0071 CHEVY '65 SS, 4 spd, nice car. snarp, sauu. yoo-jaou VA i rmr PH 244-6541 28124THD.M. FTAT 71 124 sta.

Auto, trans. Only 35,000 miles. Exc. owe ICOLN S4UW. I2-J04- Camper packoga, 2504 or 344-2508.

ZH3 clean. 42,000 miles. Gas saver. Musi sell 278-1108. Wonted VW's.

any year or condl- llon 515-842-2698 fully equipped. Landau roof, 30o6 miles, $9250. Days, 515-473-8638. 1960 MGA, 1460. New lop, new evenings QJ-BA.

LINCOI '74 4 dr. Town Car va, automatic, treen. Only at Dewey's do you get a 72 hour 100 money back refund or any used car or truck we sett, not satisfied. cond. siro.

iraoe o.k. 9487. Aft. 6, 287-1422. FTAT 71 T54 Sport Coupe, good mechanlcaily, pretty body, AM-FM, steel radials, $1500.

Ames, DODGE '75 Coronet. 2 door hardtop, power, air, cruise. 80,000 miles. 9 tires. Exlra clean.

$3300. 255-2447. DODGE '74 V. T. 4x4.

Auto. SUZUKI SALE GT-550-A $1349 RM-2S0-6 $1249 RM-I25-A $735 WALT'S SUZUKI Perry, la. 515-465-2682 SUZUKI 1975. TM2507iIke new. CHEVY '45 Supersporl, 2 door, 8595.225-9840.

CHEVY '45 2 dr hdtp. PS, PB. 8250. 244-5532. CHEVY '65, Impala convertible, no rust, 283, 8500 278-2086.

CHEVY '44 Impala convertible. New top. $700. See at 3801 E. University.

seats, recent overhaul, flu-tyre. "NoTlceoflSuIilic Sale" Fully equipped. 1 owner. $4900. 964-4183.

Aspen Wagons Notice is hereby aiven that on 3j- r64 atter a. LINCOLN 74 Conllnental 4 dr June 7. 1977 at 9-00 A.M. a Public! ENGINE OVERHAUL V-l S325. 6 cyl 1295 most parts and labor Ind.

valve iob, V-8 590 Auto Center 409 Walnut WDM Guaranteed 255-7052 JON1CTAR5 lowed away, anV condition. Brownies, 1536 Illinois, FREE TTfAHlfeSONS RePAltTEDT 266-7756, 262-B-38 FIAT 74, X19, 5000 miles on new Town car. Like new. 262-8229. Sale will be held at GMAC, 7660 engine and transmission, OOP ml.

Spec. $3495. 262-6229. DODGE, '74 Monaco 4 door. 24,000 ml.

VI auto. Steering, brakes, air. FARRELL'S FORD MERCURY SiYUJ. sow taiat rv. CHEVY '49 Caprice, door hardtop, 1 owner, low mileage, car of your choice! Hickman Road, Des Moines, Iowa to sell for cash the following vehicle: To wit.

1974 Volkswagen Serial rUTDi clean, runs A-l, tKTm Inspecled. Will Ir'ade. 964-4820. LINCOLN '77 Mark Moon Dust, Valure interior. Loaded.

This car has II all! 76 Mark IVs, Red Lipstick Edition. Moon roof, low miles. Savel '76 Mark IV. Cream, leather interior. SPECIALTY AUTO SALES CI IT, IW iM r.t CA ftnA 5ia-yoi-4uio.

FIAT. 74, 128 sedan, 4 speed, 34,000 miles, $1850. 276-5727. 3AGTJAR '47, recent top, tires and Interior, chrome wires, needs paint to be perfect, $4250 or offer. 515-856-376).

inspeciea, power steering, brakes, air, vinyl top, $975 or offer. 274-1731. '70. ii Ion. near new ijazzyrze.

General Motors Acceptance Corporation reserves the right to bid al this sale. The vehicle Is Wlnterset, la. 442-2791 ELCaMINO 1974 PS. PB, Air, automatic $3150. 245-2079 262-2186 EL CAMINO '71, air, power steering, power brakes, red with black vinvl top.

$1850 947-71U tires, 327 overhauled 10,000 miles 4559 2nd Ave DM. 243-7400 presently stored and may be seen excellent condition. $725 515-747-8143 5U7DKI 75, 750 cc, red, InspecF ed, $1575. 285-9884. SUZUKI 76 RM250, $750 or offer.

515- 984-6400 Polk OfY; TTfmMPTPTrBonnevllle. excel- Dewey Ford East 4th Grand 2474811 76 Chrysler Cordoba Full power. Factory Air. NADA Book $5880. Our Price: $4995 76 Dodge Dart Swinger cpe at 7660 Hickman Road, Des woines.

towa. FIRDBIRD Large Selection Over 40 In Stock! Stew Hansen's Dodge City Extra Care for Our Customers lAcross from uresionet LINCOLN, Mark Cartler Edition. Leather interior, electric moon roof, power, Lumbar seat, bull! In CB, This car is loaded. List $15,996. Tax and license paid.

6480 miles $12,950. Ph 515-858- ago, steuu. cxceneni cononion. Light green. 515-484-3934.

Ogden. CHEW 71 VI Automatic: power steering, brakes, air, till wheel, good condition, must sell, $O0. 2310 E. 14th. 262-0621.

CHEVY 71 VS ton pickup, dean, topper, 81650. 265-1829 CHEVY '72 Impaila, 2 door hard lent condition, must sell. 265-6634, TOP MONEY For All Makes-Models CASH OUTRIGHT Or Trade Up or Down EARLE FLETCHERS Over 33 Years Dependable 2600 E. University 262-82 05-6506. TRIUMPH 73 Trident.

Low miles. Excellent condition. With 81350 or offer. 28-2645. FIREBIRD '6a, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, excellent condition, 81250 961-2327.

FORD Custom '70, automatic, power steering, brakes, red title. FORD FIARLANE '42, Must sell. $300 or offer. Looks oood. runs Lucas Kuartz-lodine Driving and Fog Lamps 260,000 Candlepower.

BREESE IMPORTED PARTS' 1925 High 288-1925 MERCEDES BENZ '69, 246 SL Classic. Excellent condlllon. Dark green. Both tops. $10,500 or best offer.

515-423-4147 Mason City. MERCFDES 1971 280SL, Power steering, brakes, AM-FM, air conditioning, both tops, beige dark brown, showroom condi A-cvlinder, automatic, power 3135. BUICK Electro '64 Convertible, Plymouth '57 4 door: '69 Interna extras. 515-462-138. steering, naua hook rnce Price; top, steering and brakes, air, tional Crew Cab Dirkuo 515-736- TRIUMPH, 75 750 Trident.

2103 Ingersoll 243-8900 txceiient condition. $loo or 01-fer. 277-8339 or 262-0242. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LTD 76 BROUGHAM cruise, new tires and battery. Excellent buy, S159S.

223-040 1. CHEVY '72 Impaila, immaculate, CAMARO iS '49. HP 350, Angle BLAZES 74, full time 4 wheel great. 288-0131, Room 819, if not drive, good condition, Cheyenne $3395 mnieo neaas, cam, etc 4-speeo, Inline shifter, new paint, mags. TOP PAID CASH OUTRIGHT DEWEY FORD We trade Up or Down For ail makes and models.

air, power steering. brakes. 515-751-2351. K5, $3500, nome, leave message. FORD Galaxie 4-door.

-71. V8 uper condition. Must see. $2000. BLAZER 76.

loaded, low mites, 4 door. Low miles and clean. DALE MILLER FORD automatic, power steering, CHEVY 72, Impala, low miles, air. brakes, steering, clean. $1600 tion 814,000 tlrm.

5l5-y2-Z45i. MERC 72 Capri. 4 speed, $1195 NADA Book $1550 1976 FORD F-100 Stepslde, short box. Roll bar with lights. AM-FM I trick.

White spokes. Landtrack tires. Must sell, leaving for service. Make offer. 278-0805 CRANE to mount In truck, has hvd.

pump, winch and cradle. Can be used for towing, motor lifting, replacing. Easy mount, dismount. 86O0 262-3735. iWCHTvTrew Cab, tee gal.

gas capacity, cruise, PS, PB, air, 454 engine. Elec. brakes with Torsion hitch. Very good cond. Days 262-4990.

Nights 289-1498. S3VW. 3I3-4A-JA30. BLAZER.74. KE Cheyenne, Used Cycles 75 Yamaha 350 street $695 74 Suzuki GT 185 74 Kawasaki 100, trail $24! 74 Indian 125 Trail $29i 74 Kawasaki MX 250 $295 74 Honda XR 75 $225 or oesi oner, uy- iuj.

East 4lh and Grand 247-4811 loaded, call after 6 or all day Lamberts 3828 70th 276-1532 ANKENY 964-4979 Chevy 73 waaon. afr. Caprice" 3-seat 295. 225-1009. MGA '59 restored, new weekends.

iz-66-z4i. BUiCK Electrs '76, 4 door, load- TOP PAID SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS $1450 or best. 2S5-5234, 255- CHEVY '74 12 T. PU, air. 313-46a iXi.

CHALLENGER RT '70, 383 Magnum, AT, PS, PB, PW, Mags and side pipes. Good cond. 515-732-5358. CHEVELLE '45 Super Sport, 557 250 hp, air, automatic, power steering and brakes, till wheel, radio, rear speaker, remotei control mirror, while, blue interior, 5 new tires, true mint condition, guaranteed none finer. ed with equipment, 12,000 miles, MGB GT 74, extra nice.

$38257 iixe new, wane no car, yw-wu. Low mileage, very clean. $995. 265-8696. FORD Gran Torino '73, 4 door, VI automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, must or offer.

515-992-3874. FORD LTD '70 4 door, automal-ic, air, very good condition, $995. Inspected. 964-7441 Ankeny. FORD Gran Torino.

'74. $1800. MALIBU '72 2 dr Ht. Like new. original owner, never wrecxeo, For your clean used cars.

AU Makes and Models. Stew Hansen's Dodge City, 2103 Ingersoll, Special SI695. 262-8229. excellent orw. 017 754-6644.

SS5BT1973, excellent condition. Stereo. $3100 or besl offer. 515-297-4233 V3 Honda LI 15..... S4V5 '73 Yamaha 500 street S495 Mover Suzuki 5325 N.E.

)4lh 266-2601 MARK IV '73 full power, factory 1973 C65 Chevv Truck BUICK '64 RIVIERA, $2000 OR UKiiuiii, icu wild winic vniyi ium. BfcS I Urf-fcK. AA3-U3y4. CREW '75 VAN, automatic, air; partly custom. t4 .00.

961-fr409. CHEVY '75 4 wheel drive, 45,000 miles, new paint, tires and wheels, AM-FM, CB and cassette in dash, white fiberglass topper, carpeted in back, extra dean, $5000. 265-5857. rnone iw-awuor j-6 TOPS FOR CLEAN LATE MODEL USED CARS STAN MOORE MOTORS MGB 73, AM-FM 8-track. Must JUbL JUHNMJN WU I UK Cad-Olds-GMC-Jeeo-AMC Tandem with 18'1 ft.

steel box and hoist, 50.000 actual miles, very sharp. 712-283-2431 after 6 sell. 82995 or best offer. 225-8800. BUICK '49.

Runs perfect. spected. $575. 242-3955. A0-AT6J pr y-i 13 'UCICI I 'AA MA CC Inl.lK, CHE MGB 76.

3066 miles. AM-FM. I 6 ntz Newton, la. S15-792-524fr MARK III '69, fully equipt, like YAMAHAs 125 MX 75 Clean. $400.

175, 71 dirt bike, exlras. $250. Or offers. 515-622-2147. YAMAHA 1971 650, 5750 FORDS, '71 LeSabre.

power rebuilt. Too many exlras to BUICK 4285 2nd aye 243-5251 red convertible, $4995. 223-1363, WANT TO BUY LTD 4 door. Both sharp. ADEL CHRYSLER 993-3455 new.

itxrsra. mention. $1500. Z85-3775. 26-2038.

steering, praxes, eu.uuu miles, vinyl top, snow tires included. JttARTC VI '77, moonroof, loaded ynv-4Zjz, Carlisle, IA. LHtVKOLbl CHEVY 76 MGB-GT, 1970. Radials, chrome Electronic Van, air ride, 40-42. 282-5224.

Smart Industries, 1326 Walnut, P.M. FORD Torino '71. 4 door, V8, reoular aas. automatic, power with equipment, dove gray, low YAMAHA 1974 360 DT, clean. motor excellent $1250 Priced lo sell al $980.

Call Week-motor excellent, siasu. pM days after 6 PM, weekends any- BUY JUNK CARS, MOTORS Pay cash. 265-4987, 266-1544 WANT TO 8UY any-year CORVETTE that needs work. wire wheels, only 36,000 mtles. tin, iri.ncia 515-938-2448.

miies. Mve. wutck untvKu- uo. lon-iyoB aner 4 rvv Impala, 4 power steering, steering, disc brakes, air, 47,000 LcT, 50 Ankeny Blvd, 964-425 power brakes, air, cruise control! YAMAHA 500 MX 2 stroke, 4 tm. Aj-aey.

OPEL GT 73, excellent, 515-432-6413. actual miles. New brakes end BUH 71 LeSabre 4 door. Vinvl WANT TO BUY One or two 40' Strvo Van. MAVERICK '72 2door.

sham. 6- nours racing, swu. zh-5605. saw or ress. 55-656.

76 Dodge Aspen 2-dr Automatic, power steering and brakes. NADA Book Price Mi 70. Our Price: $3795 76 Plytn Valiant 4-dr 6-cvllnder, automatic, power steering. Choose from 2. NADA Book Price $4070.

Our Price: $3795 76 Dodge Dart Custom 4dr 4-cyl, automatic, PS, Air, WSW tires, radio, choose from 2. NAOA Book $4240. Our Price: $3795 76 Dodge Aspen 4-dr 4-cvlinder, auto, PS, PB, Air, WSW tires, radio. NADA Book Price $4575. Our Price: exira nice.

Dick Hazetbaker Chevrolet top, power, air, cruise. 40,000 cvl, auto, PS, 1995. AsK for VAAAAUA An '7 lib. uu. Opel mAnta 74.

Air. over- 282-5224. Smart Inoustries, 1326 miles. Clean, snow tires. $1500.

CHEVY 1955 210. New paint and 327 motor. Hooker headers, Holly carburetor, super coil, and mag wheels. 515-627-5651. Chevy -40 i t.

pickup. 235 61 cyl. 4 spd. Exc. $1295.

Trade in Ok 243-9487 aft 6 287-1422 Liovd, Autorama, inc, 5b miles, $450. 944-0228 after EAST 1st GRAND 244-4195 JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED. PAY CASH. SAME DAY SERVICE 287-4744 body. $1247.38.

hauled, good rvainui, u.jv. 244-5372. CHEVY '74 Imoala. 9 pass. Wag.

Z8-3II4. BuiCK'5 Loaded YAMAHA'S tires. Recent paint, lop condition. Private owner. Inspecled.

$1150 or offer. 274-7170. F5S0 TORINO IWo convt. 429 V8. 4 spd.

Only 59,000 mi. Exc. cond. $1895. Trade in o.k.

243- 9487. After 5 287-1422. R5RTJVAN '75, panelled, extras, WANT TO BUY Like new. Air. Uni-royal Steel OPEL Mania '72.

Low miles, PONTlAi iC '69 LeMans MAVERICK 72 belt Radial tires. Insp. 964-4820. mint condition. 81500.225-2895.

SUMMER SALE TIME nsDeci $595 each. Insi l. fuCllU TO A l.T. CHEVY 55, 90 restored, Okta- s-itcvr 33, resioreo, PORSCHES- uxia-' home Car. best offer over $1000.

BUICK 73. Cent White too. 6 cylinder, automatic, "School's MIKE FAHRNEH YAMAHA mileage. $4700. 244-5443, 243-8982 CTiEVY '77 4 door Silverado white interior, air, power, low out boecia 3l3-3y-A6l3.

1 Ion Chevy Crew Cab Duety. 75 or newer, CHEVY ONLY. 515-673-4781 jays, 673-6687 evenings. 73 CHEVY C30 1 ton truck, extra heavy, PS, PB, air, 454 engine, 4 speed, 50,000 miles, 36' 5th wheel gooseneck trailer with Dick Hazelbaker Chevrolet 1968 thru 1977 Models 912's, Choice of 7 AUTOBAHN Porsche Audi INDIANOLA 961-7780 BMW R756 1 month old. 800 mi.

$2875. 277-9570 CHEVY '56, door hardtop, must sen sj3U. b- iuj. FORD Wagon, '69, clean, rust, tow miles, $850. 265-1829 ton camper special, blue, 350 ml EAST 1st 8.

GRAND 244-4195 74 500. 3Wmiies, MAVERICK 71 2 dr. At with air. $850 or offer. 262-8058.

$6900 or make 5352 NE. 14th 265-7536 FORD 1965 Fairlane 4 door, air 41,000 mi. 8IZ95. 262-8229. YAMAHA '74.

250. trail hike DDCruC 7A ramp, soooo. Z43-5687. cond liontno. power steer no.

CHEVY 76 4x4, 14,000 mi. $5300., iK ZiJL'''ZLrm '5 Dodoe oickuo. 42.000 miles. BUICK .74 Reoel, sleerin MAZDA '73 RX3WAGON equipped for street, extras, 5000 CHEVYT7 Ion pickup. Red tllle.

8150. 967-6273. CHEVY '64 convertible, V-8, a bi.i,i praxes, a r. am-km stereo, original paint, very good condition, $750. 223-1217.

1217 16th, Automatic, air, low mileaoe, owner, $16,500. 515-322-4041. miies. 3u. -4jiy rrfgw l'g-

1 wheel, cruise control, $4900. 515- FORD '72 Econoline 200 van, porthole windows, customized, automatic, PS, Air, $2800. Ask for John, Autorama, 2227 SE YAMAHA 74. 360 Enduro $700 rUKltnt vie fi wim Appear west Lies rapines. FSRD 1969 Galaxie 500, red title, MERC Comet 74.

4 door. Vinyl low miies. 5I5--K6-Z2Z alter ance uroup. booo cononion auto, power, ssva, aw-two Chevy '67, vs stick. 4 door.

Inspected. $250. 279-5893. BUICK 71 Centurion, oir, Power lop. power steering, automatic, beautiful body, runs good.

New llres. Inspected. $1200. 964-2354 CHRYSLER, '55, St. ReglsTre- Kin, Z'U44J ww or oner.

ibrus. $3500. 605-624-4302. POSSCHl 914. 2.6.'73.

Apoear- sieerng, praxes, Ann-t-nft stereo. air, tip-top cononion. sjuw. can 976 LTD. ALUMINUM TRUCK BODIES FORD T50ORT CHEVY '72 4 dr Impala.

Perfect TAMAHA 76 650 custom. $1695 or besl offer. 244-2459. YAMAHA 75 RD 155. Low miles, extra dean.

$400 or best SI3UU. 313-A4-pyi8 storabfe, owner in service. $350. ance Group. Low miles.

274-0005. cruise. steering, brakes, BUICK '73 Luxus Century, bur- oe seen at ine evergreen motel, 4503 Hickman or call 278-0245. MERCURY Marauls. 1976.

I KULK. tyUIPMfcNl INC 1540 NE 44 Th Ave 266-5189 1-100-362-2887 Outside DM Area PORSCHE 924. '77. black Ih tarn, car, univ I4y3. CHEVY '73 4 dr.

Perfect fam. car Soecial orlce $1195. 262-8229. oundv. i vinvl too.

Air. power. FORD 1973 Pinto Wagon, new offer, yoi-o51 gold trim, 8000 miles on warran- 313-6B-IJZ. COMPLETE 427 Heml Ostrich Super stock Engine. $3500, 2 Torqueffite transmissions, $300 door sedan, golden brown, 21.00C factory tape deck.

Clean, $2800 or besl offer. 225-9623. YAMAHA. NEW RD 400 1ST tv. sveuu.

cai peiween y-3 pnon. ALL NEW MODELS ON HAND GS GT TS TC RV RM PE WE HAVE NEW DS MODELS WE HAVE ALL NEW 77 BMW'S. ASK ABOUT SOME "HOT" SPECIALS ON CERTAIN MODELS. USED CYCLES CHEVY 75, vii pickup, power nres, exnaust, oraKes, low mileaoe. Gets 25 mrxi miies, i owner, like new.

$3300. tnru sat. IZ-Z43-3Z5. $4295 steering, brakes, automatic, 3i3-A-44y Central Iowa Truck Sales AVES.IA. 515-232-1303 USED TRUCKS: 1 Ton To Diesel CADILLAC El Dorado 71, 69,000 3iv-z3a-i z.

TY250S749 RD200S599 Lynn's (Since 1914) 170QE. Univ. YAMAHA. 71 "PORSCHE '58. 356A.

no rust. must see to appreciate, $1600 or offer. Can be seen at 3128 2nd Marquis, 75, $2800 "CfjuCTT 33,000 miles. $3200. 515-322-3316.

CHEVY -76 Pickup 4 wheel 10.000 on overhauled enoine Ave. Pes Moines. Ao-auoa an snn or wknas. MERCURY 71 Marquis, loaded. drive, 21,000 miles, $4300.

319- SJ5W firm. 3 iy-A35-yuuj. PORSCHE. 1963 356B. restpr- miles, good condition, $2450.

zso- 7541 CADILLAC 1968 DeVille Con-vertibie, new radial tires, white leather Interior, showroom con-dllion, $4000. 319-355-01 10. FORD '61. the work car vou've ed. $300.

Ph. 515-644-4477 after 5:30 p.m TXmahA, '73, 256 Enduro, 3006 Ann-i-nn. inspeciea aa- MOTOR STANDS YOU MUST SEE THESE ONLY $79.95 COUCH AUTO PARTS 515 EAST GRAND D.M. 633-4711. CHEVY '74 V5 ton pickup with been looking for, $100.

255-7410. crbrH 6951, 986-4183. MERCURY '75 Gran Marauls. i T. blue, alloy miles, pertect.

$4i. iu-iiii. GOOD SEMI TRACTOR '66 White 250, single axle HANIFEN 5329 2nd 243-3205 1971 CHEVY C50 Implement truck, 350-4 spd, 24 ft. Schwartz tilt bed, rebuilt engine, very topper. 6 cylinder 3 speed, power BMW R27 1961 BMW R906 1974 Black BMW R904 1974 Blue HONDA XR75 1975 HONDA 35041973 HONDA 750 1975 sr i-r im noyuii, ucmi, siunci steering, brakes, afr, $400 or best YAMAHA.

'757 650. Must sell. dr. Like new. Terms.

262-8229. COUCH ma gs, 5i5-4jy-456. RFNAULT '74 I7TL conver- 81150.319-556-0534. steering, neavy outy. miles.

$3995. 280-8350. 7ucuv rji rrrr rrr Mercury, 1972 colony piflTF liable, $2975 or best offer. 515- -snarp. can 3ia-(na-yyj.

FORD '65 Falcon, good car, gas saver, $395. 262-8033. FORD '65 Galaxv. red title. $2M HODAKA 100 1976 passenger station wagon.

3narp. $1795 or besl offer Ph. 278-0991 64-Z404 or Pes Moines 280-4237. WILL CLOSE THIS SAT. AT 12 NOON FOR THE HOLIDAYS COUCH AUTO PARTS 515 EAST GRAND DM.

FORD 75 Ion. 4 WD. 13.000 SAAB 99, 73. 4 door speed, air, 74 Comet, 4 door, 4 customited. 262-2118.


Come to Boone and watch our 250 Astro run. Non-believers from last race on it being 250cc 1375 14th Des Moines 262-9249 firm. 265-2402 or 262-7 133. Avt-M. sgju.

Laii zaa-4z3. cvt. auto. air. KAW KX125 KAW KX250 KAW 350 PENTON 250 1975 1974 1973 1975 FORD '68 LTD Brougham, air.

CUtA 70, rare, AAR, FARRELL'S FORD MERCURY SAAB 75, 99 LE, 4 door, 4 speed, stereo, air, $4650. 319-232-3701. Wlnterset, la. 515-442-2791 power steering, near new tires, $250 or offer. 225-6962.

miles, completely stock. Mint YAMAHA RT3 Wlnterset, la. 462-2791 CHEV 1952 Ion Pickup, rough 1973 76 Dodge Aspen 2-dr 4-cyllnder, auto, PS, PB, Air, WSW tires, radio. NADA Price $4480. Our Price: $4195 76 Ford Elite 2-dr V-8, auto.

PS, PB, Air, cruise, AM-FM Stereo, tilt, power seat. NADA $5125. Our Price: $4795 76 Dodge Charcer Sport suz rco HONDA'S GL 1000, red only condition, one of finest in coun-try. after 5. body, good drive line.

$350. or actual miies, auto, PS, PB, excellent condition. $5200 or best offer. 515-672-2585. MACK 1969 DM600, 237 Mlaxidlne engine, 5 speed transmission, 18 ft.

Ravens aluminum dump body, 319-837-6649. TOW TRUCK 75 Ford, 4X4, snow plow, push bumper, car starting unit, new towing MONTE CARLO 75 muHt 761-40 1 SAAB SALE '14 C.h OB Iam A If A eu FORD steerins offer. 21 FdRD '68 LTD, air, power good condition. $450 or 8-1482ater 4 wkdavs. '68 LTD 390, auto, air, SJ-c besl offer.

Afler 4 pm, 967-5234. CHEV '73 Impala clean, PC CADILLAC gear 4 barrel headers. NORRIS MOTOR SPORTS Highway 61 south Muscatine, lowa 319-263-0704 Loaded, extra low miles. Dick Hazelbaker Chevrolet uuviain, uugun. i nviu Air, $1995.

Ask for Lloyd, Auto- SUZ RM100 SUZ RM125 SUZTS185 SUZ TS400 SUZ GT380 SUZGT380 SUZ GT55C SUZ GT750 1971 1976 1976 1971 1975 1976 1974 1973 1974 (2) 1977 ooq cononion. u-yij-tM. LECTRlC CAR, llcensedTbT rama. Inc. 2227 mechanically solid.

$350. Needs 14th. 282- Highland Park Funeral Home, 288-6551. EAST 1st GRAND 244-4195 minor wont only, ibb-iybb. raeai ror nenoicapceo per- unn.

or 66-yi4u. MONTE CARLO Tandau '75. power windows, seats, sunroof. CADILLAC '75 Eldorado, full IN STOCK sons or resort owner, new bat- Fairlanei fastback, power steering, 302 auiomatic. 1402 i J49C8V rr, uwi ni 7000 miles $5595 '74 Saab 99, 4 door, A.T., AC, PS, 19,000 mites 74 Saab 99, 2 door, 4 speed, AC, 13,000 $4295 74 Saab 99 2 door, 4 speed, AC, 36,000 miles '69 Saab 99, 2 door.

Sun roof, 4 FORD 1962 F100, dean, V8 engine, 4 speed transmission, inspected, has new complete brake uw CHEV '73 Suburban, automalic, PS, new tires, $2850. Ask for John, Autorama, Inc, 2227 SE 14th, 282-0443 CHEV '73. 9 Dass. station waoon rear window defogger, air, lilt, cruise, stereo radio, 27 options )U bS4( V8, real clean, Inspected. $1050.

Vfiover, r.noxviiie, ia. ujj 3m at. FORD FAKLANE '55 Convert GLIOOO-Black CB750K-Black CBSOF-Black GARVIS HONDA TOWN WO, S5, 265-JW6. power, stereo-tape, Cruise, tilt, leather, etc. (515) 964-4820.

CADILLAC '73 Sedan DeVille, loaded, $3950 515-923-2240. CADI '74 Coupe DeVille. Like nevy Special $8495. 262-8229 CAD '72 EIDorado, Loaded! Fine FORD '70 Galaxie Cuslom, 2 ible. Semi restored.

$2500. Any PETE'S MONTE CARLO IS, 9200 miles, 1 CHEVY, 76 Pickup. i Ion, 4 poor, air, $630 or oner, -ni-n 16. 42,000 ml. New lire.

Clean inside and out. $2150. Will trade and reasonable otter win not be re-fused. 515-574-2471. air.

snow tlit wheel, $4200 1603 Euclid 243-6217 V-8. auto, PS. PB, Air. radio, NADA Price $4725. Our Price: FORD LTD 71 convertible, low dcsi oner.

yw-z aner a. ttnonce. Z4j-sn. CHASE Investment 1 124 Locust LARGE car, $3130 or otter. Z85-Q3q3.

speed $1595 LAMBERT'S, INC. CYCLES INC. UNIVERSITY AT THE RIVER SiONTE Carlo 74Tandau, 35,000 miles, power steering, electric mileage, new tires, top, shocks, excellent condition. $2450 firm. ODYSSEY'S.

CB 340 750 5236-4105. Pes Moines 244-4034 winaows, swivel seats, cruise, lilt. air. $3200. 515-472-5729.

CiRD TORINO 1970 convt. 429 77. Many more. MIKA CYCLE RANCH FORD '71 Country Squire wagon, loaded, 50,000 miles. FORD custom Interior, 'sunroof, stereo' new topper, extra clean, $2400.

266-3955. FORD '73 Galaxie 4 door. V8, automatic, power steering, air, vinyl top. Runs and looks like PDRD. '73 Gran Torino Sport, air CAb de Ville, every option, tow miles, clean, $4795.

Must sell, 264-7236. CAD 72 Coupe DeVille Clean. Low down. Terms. 262-8229.

CAD'72 Fleetwood Loaded. Excellent condition. $2900 or of- 3828 70th 26-1532 $4395 76 Dodee Charger Davtona V8. 4 sod. Only 59.000 ml.

Exc. miles. $1800 25-2859. ogden moNTe Carlo, 72, 50,000 miles, PS. PB, tilt wheel, like new $2595, Ask for Lloyd, Autorama, Indlanola 961-6288 tuci ttv enn ioat a cond.

$1895. Trade in o.k. 243- 9487 After 6 287-1422. FORD '21 Model motor runs BMW 73 R755, bags, lairing, asking $1800. Call afler 9 PM, 50.000 of wheel drive, 350, Mini camper.

Open to cab for extra passa- aengerv $5650. Ph. 225-1952. DODGE '69 pickup, power steer-. Ing, automatic, 6 cylinder, blue and Obbd condition, $1295.

74 FORD F-100-With topper. FARRELTS FORD MERCURY Wlnterset, la. 4o2-2791 73 ASTRO. 350 Cummings, 13 spd, and 71 American 40 ft. Thermo King Eves 515-259-2035.

76 150 SUPER cab, Custom. Many extras. Must sell. $4600 or besl offer. 274-4731 or 225-9610 75 CHEVY, 4 WD, 14 PU, PS, PB, AC, topper, radian, low SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CHEV 74 Monte Carlo Low miles.

Extra clean. DALE MILLER FORD ANKENY 964-4979 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Motorcycle Insurance oner, in-toi-wi 5I5-35-646. ter. 3t3-j6 -6. V-8, auto, PS, PB, Air, NADA CZ 74 40OMX olus riding extras.

sold at Mathews Honda. Come in and browse around our accesso door rnce S473U. uur rrice: $430 or oesi oner, ab- IU46. MONTE CARLO 75. cruise, till, stereo, radials.

Make offer. MONTE CARLO 74 40 OOP miles. Sun roof, options loaded. GO-KART Invader, $5507" power brakes, aulomatlc, good ana in stooo snape. oooy gooa.

$4000 or offer. 7 1 2-852-4403. FOSD 1964 convertible, 390, 4 speed. Nice. $800 or best offer.

712-662-3582 GcNUINE Brlcklin seats. Brand new, high back. Reg. price $180 ea. Cioseout 515--45 ry room.

Open Mon and Fri till 8 PM MATHEWS HONDA HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster wnne. SJ4UU. 313-42-3449. conomon. mw.

ma-oypg. FRD'73 LTD, Brougham, miles, clean. $3000. 262-7622. FORD '73 Station Waaon.

Ar- 75. eledric start, 3506 miles, MONTE Carlo 73 air, top shape $3995 76 Dodge Charger SE 4280 NE 14th 265-6003 1 3UU 3)3-84-6606 Lamoni. uoto, excellent cononion. sjuu. Newton, la 792-4084.

REW Norton BSO's $1995 nold's Highland Park Funeral miles. $4800, 961 -6H tSCO AUTO 5UHHLY Waterloo la 319-233-3327 HARLEY DAVIDSON 75 FLH NOKKIS MO OK SPOKIS Homezss-6i. CHRYSLER New Yorker '74, door, bronze, dark brown St Regis vinvl roof, dark brown leather interior. Loaded. Make offer.

278-5459. CHRYSLER New Yorker '75, 4 door hard top, has everything, excellent condition, 24,000 miles, 1200. Full dress, 4000 actual FORD 74 Gran Torino, white. 4 DODGE '73 Club Cab, tow mlie-age, power steering, brakes, very good condition. 712-284-2310 miles.

Mint condition, $3250. 515- Muscatine, lowa 319-263-0704 MONTE CARLO 75 Sporty white on blue Terms 262-8229. M75NZA 75. Beautiful Red Town Coupe, VI. 82900.

263-3790. MUSTANG II 74 Mach AM-FM 8 track, V6, 4 speed, excellent condition. $2400. Must sell. GTO converiible, 70, red with red Interior, new white lop, automatic, power steering and brakes, air, tilt, cruise, AM-FM V-8, auto, PS, PB, Air, AM-FM Stereo.

Was $5595. Now: door, air, power steering, brakes, new radials and shocks, LAST REMAINING 77 4 door OL, automatic IN ROUTE 77 Stage 2 (new styling) 2 door sedan, white 4 door sedan, 4 spd, yellow Slat -on wagon, beige 4 wheel drive, 4 spd. beige TAKING ORDERS NOW LAMBERT'S, INC. '68 INTERNATIONAL pickup. J-Z4U.

RaRlEY Davidson. 197? FlH. CAMARO LT '77, loaded, im-maculate, beautiful silverblue, Must see. $5695. 276-6936.

Camaro lt '77, black, exc. full warranty, 244-0014. CAMARO 1973, excellent condition. $3200. 285-7471 after 5 PM.

CAMARO '49 Z28, dark brown, 302, headers, 4 barrel, power steering and brakes. Keystone wheels. 4 Goodrich radial TA's, AM-FM cassette, high back buckets, CB, positraction, Mun-cie-Hurst 4 speed, spoilers. Show car. $3800 firm.

515-792-2455 CAMARO '49 327 automatic, new paint, chrome wheels, 8 track, 8)500 or besl offer 288-4348. CAMARO '69 307, automatic, extra clean, $1500 or best. 246- CAMAR0 'TOSS. AC, AT $1595 Lamberts ja-AO-70th 276-1532 CAMARO '70 396 turbo, hit right electric lights, full dress. Low radio, factory 8 track, power RIDICULOUS PRICES.

MT250 $649 3AW. AQ-r 33,. CHRYSLER 1975 Town and miies. anowroom conairton. Must winaows, seats, ooor locks, ana 313-498-821, oilman.

FORD 7b E250 Custom Van, 20,000 miles. Plush velvet interior, Power steering, power brakes, air, cruise, 35T V8, automatic, fiVM-nifl 41111 Sen. Save SHOO. Ph. 515-92-3436.

country wagon, miles ton, topper, wired for CB, Boone, 1A 515-432-3928. 70 CHEVY tractor, 5 and 2, PS TRUCK WHOLESALE 1976 E. Broadway 265-1495 5MC VANDURA 11. W-ton, long bed. Loaded.

2500 miles. a ilv totT GL1000 1977 all colors $2695 truck release. Tach, Ram air, Pontiac wheels, radials, positrac-tlon. One of a kind. Never rodded.

Mint condition. New paint. Collector's Item. $4000 or hect offer cveryining on ine car. 4aw.

nf. 3953, 121 2nd St. SE, Altoona. LKI25 $65 CR250 50 250CC, less thn 1000 miles, S53i Byron Klauenberg, Baxter, IA. 515-227-3182.

RarTeT DavIOSOn 71 CB7S0F 1976, black $1799 CHRYSLER '71 New Yorker, 4 door hardtop, steering, brakes, air, cruise, tilt seats, real nice, $6250 or oner, at-vnt aner a. 262-9475 $5195 Stew Hansen's Dodge City 3828 70th 276-1532 vve nave new vener aa ano Caiafia bags in stock. DON HONDA USA KAISER Special. 1954 stored syso. A-uny.

Subaru Parts, Sales, Service, since '44, $600 or besl offer. 319- sportster. Good condition, tx- 285-2364 HARLEY PKvidsdn '73 Srjort- CHRY5LER '72 Newport, runs 515-792-5141 MUSTANG II 74, low mileage, top condition, 4-specd, $2900, See John, Autorama, Inc, 2227 SE 141h, 282-0443 MXiSTANG II '74 Hatchback $1795, NADA Book $2300. Lamberts 3828-70th 274-1532 MUSTANG '65 6 cyl. Automatic.

Low mileage. New tires. Clean and loved. Great 2nd car. $950.

After 5 PM 287-4234. MTJSTANG '69 Fastback, 302 2 barrel, automatic, power, AM-FM 8 track, clock, full Instrumentation, radial tires, new Newton, la. J03-4J6J Lease, Sumner-Ramse Pontiac Peoueot Subaru, 519-4th 282-0461 perfect Inso 289-21125 $izso. $1750 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FORD 75 Squire Wagon Great for vacations. DALE MILLER FORD We will be closed May 28th ster, clean 6000 miles.

255-7488 or tront, saw, TflVflTi rnrnlla 1071 1AJV! ZZJ-0134. HARLEY DAVIDSON 77, 1606 CAMARO '70, automatic, power steering and brakes, air. fciat waW 4K Good condition. $1400 or best Offer, 834-2218, Adel. KNUTSON'S OBSOLETE CHEVROLET PARTS CHRYSLER '74 New Port Custom, 4800 miles, 85450.

941-2844. CHRYSLER 71 NEWPORT $495. 225-3371, after 5. CHRY5LER. '45 New Yorker.

$250. 941-7133, 12-5 p.m. CC, WU miles. SaZUU 3IJ-4f-Jj3B. ln-iil iili.

Aiyirvi a tracn, slew. APj-iaw. iutuia CAMARO '72 automatic, PS, PB, 40 FT. Struil closed trailer, roll-up door, $3000 or best offer. 515- 672-2585.

CHEVY '72 4 ton, 4 WD, low miies, 350 automatic, PS, PB, $3000 or pest offer. 515-672-2585. 1964 2 TON CHEW tractor, Hi 5 speed. $2500 or best offer. 515- 472-2581 GMC '49 Vi T.

pickup, VI. radio, rear bumper, no dents Ir rust. $875. 515-325-6212 Blairsburg. 72 FORD sleeper.

318 mtr. 13 SP-TR Hendrlx, R-E. Sh Wh base. $8250. 264-0241.

'74 CHEVY 65 Twin screw, 18' comb. box. Also 15' End dump AUDI FOX '73, 4 speed, 4 door, air i-ini4iliuiaH iiinnn hinhuou ll SAAT9. FUI UIUTU. nUIU- rama, Inc, 2227 SE 14th, 282-0443 25mpo city, 46,000 miles, $2656 Extro Care for Our Customers 2103 Ingersoll at Harding Rd 243-2576 or 243-8900 FRIEDMAN TOYOTA 301 EAST LOCUST SALES 283-2300 SERVICE 283-2303 PARTS 783-7305 Open 7 days a week.

Twin Lakes, Minnesota. 507-852-3676. I MdOL A '31Ptckup. with ft SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Harley Davidson 75 iiwiomt. ii cmi, tci iiai yuw I gas mileage, $1295.

225-3575 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 1-4451 Ask for Steve. power steering-brakes, air, $3100 license, ah rebuilt, good body, ni-te futint ni Inlprinr U9nt) CHRYS. Newport 73, 4 door sedan. Power, steering, brakes, air. 81875.

279-7494 CORDOBA '77. 3 months old, 1500 $4250. W4-3332. C0R00BA '75 Clean Sporty TOYOTA '69, 4 dr. $595 Suoerglide, 1000 ml.

Super dean. firm. 964-3577, AUUIS 1971 thru 1976 Models 100 LS's and Foxes Choice of 6 AUTOBAHN Porsche Audi or oner. CAMARO '75 6 cyl. AT, AC.

16.000 miles. Like new. Lamberts -78-70th 276-1532 FORD '74 LTD, i dr. loaded. Perfect condition.

289-1632. $3995. FORD 76 Pinto sedan, 4 speed. 319-472-9022 or 319-472-364 fUlitAut. 'it.

nnnW nnttlnn un) wnn accessories. DALE MILLER FORD Lamberts 3828-70th 276-1532 flared fenders and mags, 284 good condlllon, $1800. 26-2300. 5352 NE. 14th 265-7534 CjRD '76.

Gran Torino Sta. wan gravel Pox. 515-4o4-3yj6. CAMARO '76. whlteTbiack interior.

6 cvl. Air. power steerino. while on white. Buckets.

At air. Special $4495. 262-8229. CORDOBA '77 4,000 mi. Loaded, newish.

Will finance 262-8229. AUDI 74 Fox, automatic Irans- automatic, first saw takes, Convertible 289, brakes, $4400 or best offer. After mission, air conditioning, am-FM stereo, good condition. Best TSVOfA '69, runs sood, air, $795. 515-937-4444.

TOYOTA 76 Grolla, IK CC, good condition and gas mileage, $800 or best offer. Before noon 319-442-7752 Marengo. T5V0TA 71 Corolla 2 door sedan, 1600, air, reasonable, 515- 232-9254 evenings. TOYOTA 71 Corolla, automatic, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6callMlke.28-144. pa, ni, oil ui uik, silver wred Interior.

Immaculate condition. $4495. Trade in o.k. 243-1759. Aft 4, 287-1422.

FORD 70 Fairlane, 351 4 speed. otter over STSoo. 515-366- zata. Craloer. Hurst, new motor and CAMARO '76.

24MPG. low miles 59 160-4. 5 AUSTIN HEALEt drive train, new paint and top. mechanical, needs paint and utile body work. $400.

515-474-4467. 75 Chevy Silverado, 25,000 step side, PS, PB, air, till. Besl offer 262-5264. 73 FORD $2200. CATTERSON'S, 550 N.E.

good condition. $3500 HARLEY '64 Sportster, slroker, 8, PB, Mukuni, everything nau, iv rahi lilt Intc rt rhrAma seater. ujw, mus. set), reo ime, ni excellent condition, blue with white vinyl top and Interior. SeH- Ino for $3995.

244-2342. CAMARO41 Convertible. VI, 1 Mi-woy 0R6 '73 LT6 5 dr Coe. Clean. firm.

515- jjy atter a weenaays. candy blue paint, must sell. $2506 NASH 1957 Metro excellent. $1200. 225-8649.

BMW 74, 2002, Sun roof, 4 spd. 5000 miles, factory warranty Stale Insp. 82795. 242-8229. FORD 75 F100 custom oirkuo.

near new top, mags, stoeptpes, Broadway, znz-0365. or oner. iy-6B-J6l. HARLEY 76 Electric sportster, Lamberts 3828-70th 276-1532 extras, 1430. ntriio.

CAMFRO 76 IT Limited Frtl very rare, resrorea, phjs extra parts. S2500 firm. 961-3468. PLYMOUTH '47- excellent condition. 4 door.

Special Deluxe. Libert' like new. $2595. 262-2084. 302 automatic, 19,000 miles.

Blue, white vinyl top, topper, paneled, carpeted. Tape deck, radio. Very BMW, l973Bavaria, 35,006 miles. Fully equipped. Book volue $6275 Absolutely must sell XLCH Snorlimr lion.

Rally sport. PS, PB, power windows, power door locks, tilt Radio, heater, wide tires, sooke show room condition, 1900 miles. $5350 OT Otter. 243-3655. wheels.

'77 license, $1500. Perry, TOYOTA 71 Corona TSeluxe. Automatic $950. 278-5488. TOYOTA 72 Corolla, auToTairTTn good condition.

$1400. 277-7755 after 5. Toyota 76 pickup, long bed, with topper, lust Uke new. 7000 miles. $3600.

266-4410. TRIUMPH TR-4 74, low miles, while, like new. 277-2431. snarp. saivs.

63-6W. FOROt75 PlOO 4i4. At. Air. PS.

Insp. Special $4295. 262-8229. oil coowr. now or oesi orrer.

319-653-2737. Washington. a steering. Factory air, AM-FM, 14000 miles. Really sharp.

Musi see 85200 or best offer. 243-8364. CAPRI '74 Ohio II, sunroof, CUTLASSSUPREME 1977 Automatic transmission, power steering, brakes, tilt wheal, factory air, AM-FM radio. $5995 Gary Lilly VOLKSWAGEN 1271 lth.St.WDM 223-154. BMW-Fiat-Saab-Subaru LAMBERTS.

INC FORD 74, Vi ton, V8 automatic, steering, brakes, witn topper, low miles. $3500. 285-7679. CHEVY, 64 C20 1 ton. pickup.

VI 3 sp Good cond. $795. Trade In o.k. 243-9487 Aft. 4, 287-1422.

FORD '68 12 ton pickup. VI, Runs good, inspected. 8795. 265-8168. CHEVY 75 1 duals, 19,000 4 door, excellent condition.

319-844-2322 Walford, la. Brown Van Bodies 8, Todeo Lif-tgates. Hawkeve Truck Equip. 382l-70th 276-1532 power steering ano oraKes, auro- fii HAR LEY-DAVIDSON 1976 FXE-1200 Liberty edillon. Ex-Iras.

$3300. 289-1674. HODAKA CVCLES-Parts and Service. LAVERTY HARD-WARE, Carlisle, 989-3244 HONDA Odvssey '77. excellent FORD 75, '1 ton, topper, low miles, $2750.

244-0718. FORD, Falcon66. Straight transmission. New brakes. Good condition.

Over 20 m.p.g. $475. Cal941-7624 after 4 p.m. FORD, 1947 LTD, power steer CORVETTE '68 Convertible. $3300 or offer.

515-834-2280. radial tires. 11,000 miles, $4100'. 3I3-V6-6I6. CAPRI, 1972, immaculate, Only CORVETTES miles, speea, raaiais, condition, $1200 new want $800 1977.

loaded. Black on black. Black leather int. ing, air. inspeciea.

nuns gooa. 1495. Call 245-4459. must see ana arive. $1493.

ill 95M after 5. 3COQ North zno, ay-i55 FORD. '72 LTD Brouoham I MACK TRUCKS CAPRI, 72, super dependable, 30 or traae. 515-33-504 story Lily. H5NDA I974T 550-4, Excellent condlllon.

Many extras. $1200 or besl offer. 278-0341. HCBATsFTSTgold, 5,066 miles. Pius mpg, new raoiais.

wm-nw cassette. Asking $1295. Make ooor noroiop. runy euuippeo. FARRELL FORD MERCURY I.

442-2791 '75 $4395 ESTATE WAGON. Radio, automatic transmission, P5PB, factory oir conditioning, cruise control, factory luggage rack, side applique. CLEAN! '75 $3995 DELTA ROYALE 4 DOOR. Radio, automatic transmission, full power, factory air conditioning, cruise control. Burgundy finish set off by white vinyl roof.

NlCEt '75 BUICK REGAL 4 DOOR. Radio, automatic transmission, fu( power, factory air conditioning, 60-40 seat. Brown with White vinyl roof and cloth interior. SHOWROOM CONDITION! 'Z4 BUICK $3795 LIMITED 4 DOOR HARDTOP, Radio, automatic transmission, full power, factory air conditioning. Brown with matching vinyl roof SHARP! '73 GRANDVILLE 4 DOOR.

Radio, automat ic transmission, PSPB, factory air conditioning, cruise control. Metallic Green with White vinyl root. A STEAL! Otter. MUSI Sell. 278-W64 J3V.

AfB J4JO CHEVELLE SS, '69, new motor, HO stop. Ji3-zaa-44fy '76 BUICK LE SABRE CUSTOM 4 DOOR HARDTOP. Radio, automatic transmission, full poww, factory air conditioning, 60-40 seat, cruise control. Metallic Brown with Tan vinyl rool. A BEAUTY! 75 BUICK ElECTRA 2 DOOR HARDTOP.

Radio, automatic transmission, full Buick power, plus factory air conditioning. 60-40 seat. Lovely gold tinish with harmonizing cloth interior. Only 20,000 Miles. NEWISH! '74 BUICK $3795 LIMITED LANDAU.

Radio, automatic transmission, full Buick power, plus factory air conditioning, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, tight Green with White vinyl hall roof. CHOICE! '74 OLDS MJ4195 98 REGENCY 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Radio, automatic transmission, full power, factory air conditioning, tilt steering wheel, cruise control. Burgundy with matching vinyl roof. A JEWEL! '72 $1795 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4 DOOR.

Radio, automatic transmission, full power, plus factory oir conditioning, cruise control. Dark Blue with matching vinyl root LUXURIOUS! pHOLMES tras, excellent condition, $1150 or trade. 515-733-2504 Story City. '77 Loaded, lite blue metallic white leather Int. 1976 Corvettes, 3 to choose from.

While, orange maroon. All loaded, low miles) 1975 Corvette Roadster. Red, white top, red 4 sod. 1975 2 to choose from. Blue, blue Interior, low miles.

White, black leather, 4 speed. 1974, loaded, low miles, white, brown Int. 1970, dark blue metal flaka, black leather int. Nice car. 19M Roadster, this car's sharp CHEVELLE '68 Power steering, runs good, out of state registra- SALES AND SERVICE 4747 NE 14th 264-2444' 1975 C30 Big Dooiey, red and white, air, 454, $5700 or best Offer.

319-351-6023. FLATBED "3Tsein! trailer with Dunbar automatic boom unload-er 712-943-5582 Sargeant Bluff FORD 74 a Ion pickup, sharp $3300 225-2972 WDM CHEVY pickup, goocTcondilion. $59 5 255-3260. FORD '44 ton Shortbox. Best.

nog reo um. tif-iw, i.wiiwn jjv, r-aii inv, wavjv- resi, tow miles, perfect. $1400 or CHEVELLE '76 Malibu wagon, oner. zza-j je. power iieenng, oraKes, air, cruise control, excellent condi tion, radial tires.

Great gas mile- SPECIAL PURCHASE ON 1976 MODELS LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE Wagons, 4 Doors and 2 Doors 1 2 To Choose From aoe. $4200. 515-534-3 52. anvtime it 3 AAjklihii i finnr 45T5RD 4 speed, i cylinder, 34. SPECIALTY AUTO SALES V8 automatic, power steering I and brakes, air, vinyl roof, HONDA 750 engine, no miles.

Chopper at) new parts, completely choooed. Must sell, $3500. 515-387-4203. RWiBA '71 CL350, excellent condition, $400. ET Diamond SPOke mags, 2 14x7, 1 14x8.

fit Chrysler, never used, $150. 987-4928. H6N0A 71 556. $466 or offer excellent 515-784-6606 Lamonl, R3nca '75 4559 2nd Ave D.M. 243-7400 nrnes, exceiienT car, uiw.

ia-i tweross irom t-irestonel vfjr ton. $3U with. '49 FORD straight stk Vi Ion. $750 or best offer. 288-1974 VANS-2MAXIE4-4RE6.

ADEL CHRYSLER 993-3455 FOB '44 looper. new F7507 AIR CONDITIONED CORVEHES 1977 CUTLASS V8 COUPE '77 Coupe, loaded, CB, SAVE llres, Inspecfed, mut CA tll g. wv. LOi, toaoeo, oacn, MVb 76 Coupe, loaded. Maroon PWT, T3U.

tbt-JX I 72 dieset dump and pup, inspecf HONDA For Example- $4799 DELIVERED IN DES MOINES ed. $14,000, 319-232-5781. F3BP Wi F3M ili T. PB, dual tanks. $2700.

244-1544. 'JTEWC Ion pickup, red lltle. 75 AT, air, loaded, brown looded, green 74 Roadster, AT, PS, air, Blue 67 Roadster, real nice, Red IA 1 SAfl 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600, 2 door, radio, heater, automatic, FACTORY AIR, White Finish, Stock No. 2190 X. 17 ar offer 276-0679.

Headers, electric start, 6 speed, $700. Afler 5 225-2759. HONDA '74 346. excellent cordl- oo Loupe, original, snarp, Gray RaitllMf itnrl Rliia horn llon, with fairing, exlras, $695 or '65 Cpe, 4 spd, mag's, Brown '62 Roadster, HT, mgs, Black HUNUk su. tsurnr orange.

MOYLR CHEVROLET WE SELL WHAT WE ADVERTISE Including power steering, power disc brakes, automatic transmission, V8, steel belted radial tires, full carpeting, and more! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! PLYMOUTH Arrows 15 TO CHOOSE FROM FRIEDMANS MOTORS 300 EAST LOCUST 288-7291 sissy bar. Fairing. 507 Anksnv Blvd 4Aa-a7K wwmiiii i i. 'hii HONDA 74, CB 450, needs minor ranalr U50 778-5605. LUKVtTTE 1970 454 converl-lbt, 2 toos, automatic, power steering, air, AM-FM, 52,000 miles, $5395 or best offer.

515- 'it GMC, pickup, 4 WD, ps, low miles. Excellent. $T350. 243-4347. CHEVY '64 6 cyl, new llres, J' speed.

$550 993-4341 Adet. TVCEVjilckuR, 4x4, T47SOlrrir $5300 9e1-3429 9 CHEVV 1JT Pickup. Good thapa. 515-225-2404. Sailing your outdoor furniture? Want Ad classification 480-Home Furnishings Is eligible tor the Wanl Ads Wit Special rate- 2 lines-2 days S2.

Can 24-1141 In the Des Moines calling area or 800-362-1836 loll i free from other parti of low. i7- iom aner p.m. Corvette tf(f. bbin iops, new tngne. $3500.

515-232-2230 after 7 fOR VETTPTi -iiiir- HTJf7Sir75 CB 3od 4 soeed, 2500 highway miles, $700. 225- H5N0A 75 CRMS, lust rebuK exreimnt. $400. 255-6473. FOTjDA'73--J5fl, uivler, 4,666 mHes, good shape.

$450,. 282-0524 ffONDA 7575ifl. iMrm GLOf MOBIU HQ95BA just cm aioot wist vimAMS AuorroMwel om avs. automatic, just rebuilt, must sen! $4500 firm. 5 '5-465-2930.

vaii ru pa condition. SIaW or oner. arm- I enU 8jar.Mr.nff IlilAeMltl II li.

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


Is Des Moines a great place to live? ›

Des Moines is a good city for anyone, but recent surveys indicate that Des Moines is one of the best cities for millennials. One source recently considered factors like job opportunities, home affordability and livability when it ranked Des Moines as the #2 city for young home buyers.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Des Moines Register? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in The Des Moines Register cost? Placing an obituary in The Des Moines Register starts at $95.00.

Why is Des Moines so called? ›

Etymology. Des Moines takes its name from Fort Des Moines (1843–46), which was named for the Des Moines River. This was adopted from the name given by French colonists. Des Moines (pronounced [de mwan]; formerly [de mwɛn]) translates literally to either "from the monks" or "of the monks".

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the richest part of Des Moines? ›

Linden Heights

With a median home price of $1,373,681 and a median rent of $1,082, Linden Heights is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Linden Heights over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Des Moines.

What is the nicest area of Des Moines Iowa? ›

Areas by Ashby and Beaverdale Parks, Urbandale Avenue and near downtown district of Beaverdale are the nicer and safer locations. If you are longing for the city life, look no further.

What is the fastest-growing suburb of Des Moines Iowa? ›

Waukee, Bondurant and Norwalk were the fastest-growing communities in the Des Moines metro between April 2020 and the first half of 2023, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Two cities — Des Moines and and its neighbor Windsor Heights — lost residents during the same time frame.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options. Publishing an online obituary costs between $50 and $100 and allows for more opportunities to share it through email and social media.

How much is a death certificate in Iowa? ›

Each copy of a certified record costs $15.00. If the record is not located, the applicant shall receive a notification of the record search. The $15.00 fee will be retained for the search. Make check or money orders payable to the 'Iowa Department of Public Health'.

What are people from Des Moines called? ›

People from Iowa are called Iowans, although I sometimes laughingly refer to us as “Iowegians,” which is NOT the term normally used.

What city in Iowa has the largest black population? ›

Des Moines has the largest population (25,011) of African Americans in any city in Iowa.

What is the sister city of Des Moines? ›

The relationship between the Greater Des Moines Sister Cities Commission and Stavropol began on July 27, 1992. Additional Sister City relationships include Kofu, Japan; Saint-Etienne, France; Shijiazhuang, China and Pristina, Kosovo.

What is the big newspaper called? ›

A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages, typically of 22.5 inches (57 cm). Other common newspaper formats include the smaller Berliner and tabloid–compact formats.

What was the first newspaper in Iowa? ›

The first newspaper in Iowa was the Du Buque Visitor, established in 1836 before Iowa was a state. The current Dubuque paper, the Telegraph Herald, can trace its history back to the Visitor.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.